Friday, November 8, 2019

Personal Narrative The Diagnosis Essay Example

Personal Narrative The Diagnosis Essay Example Personal Narrative The Diagnosis Essay Personal Narrative The Diagnosis Essay Essay Topic: Narrative Its been 10 long months of having restless nights and going back and forth to the hospital.I remember walking into Smilow Cancer hospital for the first time. I didnt know what to expect really.I just thought that it would be a depressing place, but its not. All the patients are so positive and full of joy.At the time I didnt understand why, but now I do.It was because they made it through one more day, and beat cancer before it beat them. December 22, 2013.I was in the medical transportation with my grandmother ( I call her Nana) heading back home.I got a room call from where we had just left.It was my mother. She said that there was something wrong with her and to write something down but she had no idea what it was because he was just walking around and finishing up her Christmas shopping!The driver noticed my urgency and handed me the note pad. I did t know what was going on, but at the same it, I knew. I knew that my mom was ill form the start. I even did some research about two weeks before.Her thyroids were inflamed, she was weak and always drowsy, run down. I know what your thinking, YOU CANT ALWAYS TRUST THE INTERNET. Like my father says.Now, Im no doctorbut cancer is far too familiar with my family. December 23,2013. I was just at my dads house celebrating Christmas because my mom was in the hospital he was willing to switch the visitation time so I can be with her for Christmas.Me, still not knowing exactly whats wrong, just thought that he was overreacting, but it was nice of him.As I was walking down the hall making my way to her room, the smells gave me flashbacks of when my grandmother used to be at the hospital all the time because of her series of mini strokes (Ive lost count). The general smell was that powder for the gloves that the doctors and nurses put on and clean sweat There really isnt any other way to describe it. I came to room 204 that displayed my moms name. I to

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