Saturday, December 28, 2019

Animal Testing A Controversial Topic - 1243 Words

Abdul Faytrouni Prof. Greer PHIL 76 23 July 2015 Animal Testing Fatima walks into the cosmetic section of Macy’s and is interested in buying some acne skin care products. As she was paying for them, she notices plenty of harmful side effects the acne products contained. Fatima is glad she is aware of these symptoms and knows that these side effects are rare and that the product is almost completely safe to use. If it was not for animal testing that is currently being used in some laboratories, these side effects would have been discovered on people and that would create an unsafe environment. Less people would want to buy care products and medicine since it would be viewed as a risk instead of something helpful. Animal testing is becoming a more controversial topic, despite its many successes over the years. Since people have various misconceptions about it, such as it being an unsafe and cruel technique, it has become a more unpopular method. However, the benefits of animal research and testing have been less spread due to negative media attention, which created a bias among the public. Animal testing is a practice that has proved to be beneficial and should be continued because of the close similarity between humans and animals, the many lifesaving cures that it contributed to, and the regulation of the practice that makes it safe and humane for animals. One of the biggest reasons why animals are used in laboratories is because they are very similar to human beings. InShow MoreRelatedHello1309 Words   |  6 Pages2016 The Morality of Animal Testing in Cosmetic Companies Preface The ethical treatment of animal testing is a controversial topic in the field of zoology. Different aspects on animal testing range from positivity to negativity. Animals such as dogs and rats are used for experimental trials because they have been found to have psychological and genetic correlations that relate to humans. 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Well, that is not exactly the case, as animal experimentation plays a very important role in human health today. However, the idea of animals testing has become quite a controversial topic. Over the past few decades, there has been an extensive debate over the use of animals in medical and product te sting. The majority of people seem to think that it is an unnecessaryRead MoreAnimal Research : Is It Human Or Inhuman?1100 Words   |  5 PagesAnimal research in psychology is a controversial issue that has raised many questions on whether it should be allowed Is it human or inhuman? Peter Singer, a bioethicist, views animal research as a form of discrimination and for the most part useless in findings. Singer believes that animals and humans are not very different from each other; hence, asking why not test on humans too if it is okay on animals? On the other hand, R.G. Frey, a professor of philosophy, argues that animal research shouldRead MoreShould Animals Be Used for Research in the Cosmetic Industry?533 Words   |  3 PagesShould animals be used for research in cosmetic industry? Animal testing is widely used to develop new medicines and to test the safety of other products. These experiments can cause pain to the animals involved or reduce their quality of life in other ways. Animal experimenters are aware of this problem and agree that the testing should be made as humane as possible. While this practice has been followed for years now, some people still strongly believe that it is a cruel act and should be permanentlyRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Be Banned971 Words   |  4 PagesAnimal Testing When it comes to the topic of animal testing, most of us will readily agree that the use of animals as research for the purpose of the humans concerns, that the drug is efficacy with the cosmetics to endeavor controversy and may have experience discomfort, suffering towards animals. â€Å"As the consumer in Europe would not have access to any new products, because we can’t really ensure that some of the ingredient’s will be safe to be without suitable an adequate testing†. Where thisRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Not Be Banned1616 Words   |  7 PagesAnimal testing in the scientific and cosmetic fields has been a controversial topic throughout the world for many years. This topic keeps coming back up only to be pushed aside or covered back up by officials. Many people stay outraged and concerned when it comes to animal testing and the fact that it has gone on for so long. The fact of the matter is, that for years now scientist have been studying and developi ng numerous different methods that can be used for these type of testing’s and completelyRead MoreEssay Animal Testing730 Words   |  3 PagesExploratory Essay: Animal Testing Animal testing is an extremely controversial topic because it deals with delicate matters and matters of humanity. Animal testing is intended to help consumers buy safe and healthy products, but they are torturing innocent animals by doing so. People that are in favor of animal testing usually are also advocates for medical research and progress, though there have been other proven methods of research. But they don’t think of it as tormenting and killing animals. On theRead MoreThe Controversy Of Animal Testing946 Words   |  4 PagesI have no voice, but I must scream The controversy behind animals as research subjects is mainly one of morals and the ethical treatment of said animals. Many people believe we should use them in this way, so we aren t actually harming people in the pursuit for better things for humans. Though animal testing was a viable resource for many years, it has proven to be extremely controversial and unethical, therefor the use of animals as research subjects should be outlawed. There is always a flipRead MorePersuasive Essay On Animal Testing704 Words   |  3 PagesAnimal testing has been a around since 384 BC. â€Å"Some testing methods require the animal to; die, be exposed to radiation, remove or expose organs, or subject animals to trauma to create depression and/or anxiety.† (â€Å"THE LEADING SOURCE FOR PROS CONS OF CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES†) Animal tests and human results only coordinate about 5- 25% of the time. Not only is it inhumane, but it isnt even all that reliable. Not to mention, it`s an insufficient waste of government money. Yes it has helped us in vaccine

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