Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Thoughts on THE GIFT Essay - 983 Words

The short story The Gift has many layers with in itself on different topics. nbsp;The topics of discrimination, feminism, friendship, tradition, and power all can be seen in this story. Many literary devices can be seen in the story also. nbsp;Such as: theme, metaphor, tone and symbol. This story unlike most as that I couldnt predict what was going to happen that made the girls leave the school. nbsp;Just as it says in the beginning paragraph quot;No one expected Merceditas C#225;ceres, on the day Carlotta Rodriguez was expelled from the Sacred Heart, to hang her silk sash from the doorknob, drop her medal of the Congregation of the Angels in the alms box, and walk out through the schools portico arm in arm with her friend, head†¦show more content†¦nbsp;She tells her about the way the hills look and the town works, and every little detail and this brings such pleasure to Merceditas. nbsp;Since Merceditas did not go out into the town she had no friends and Carlotta was perfe ct for her. nbsp;Unlike Carlotta, Merceditas has an important family name and easily gets into Scared Heart. nbsp; I felt that feminism was evident in The Gift rather strongly. nbsp;One paragraph about the head nun, Mother Artigas, showed how much of a feminist the author most likely was. nbsp;quot;She had had an extensive education and had acquired more than one doctoral degree at foreign universities. She believed that women had an undeniable right to knowledge, having been unjustly barred from it by men for centuries, and the only obstacle that for a while had made her hesitate on her decision to enter the convent had been the clergys traditional feminization of ignorance. She herself had at one time wanted to become a writer and had played with the idea of challenging the social and literary conventions of her world that condemned women to silence or, what was worse, to euphemistic, romantic verses, chock full of ruby bleeding hearts, cooing love affairs, and lace-flounced babies, but that hadnt the slightest notion of history, politics, or science. She had by now renounced her fantasy of a l iterary life, but had stuck to her guns in certain aspects ofShow MoreRelatedLeadership Principles And Methods Of Leadership1437 Words   |  6 PagesI came into this class not knowing what to expect. I thought we would just learn about leadership principles and methods of leadership. 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