Friday, October 11, 2019

Titanic Essay examples -- essays research papers fc

TITANIC This paper will be about the sinking of the R.M.S. Titanic. Some people call this sinking the greatest maritime disaster. It wasn't just the fact that the ship sank, but also all the different circumstances that caused this ship to sink and take so many lives. In the time period of 1900's-1915's many things happened. One major disaster was the sinking of the Titanic. The information will be gathered from the library, a documentary film, the Internet and personal books. From these resources the paper will explain about how the Titanic sank, some of the people who were on the ship and how it was found after over 70 years at the bottom of the Atlantic. People who read this paper should learn about the history of the Titanic. The Titanic was originally designed to have three funnels, but four were used to make it look better. The fourth funnel was actually just an air vent. The main dining room was supposed to have a large dome but it was changed to a normal ceiling. The staircase was enlarged so it fanned out at the landing of each deck, as well as adding a large glass dome above it. Also, two extra elevators were added making a total of four. "She was the most beautiful ship afloat. No ship will ever resemble her class and luxury." ("R.M.S Internet") The R.M.S. Titanic was believed to be unsinkable. Bruce Ismay was the White Star Line chairman on the Titanic; he told the captain that the ship was unsinkable because the ship could have any four watertight compartments damaged and still stay afloat. He also believed that anything big enough to sink this ship, could be seen from miles away and be avoided. Mr. Ismay said, " Not even god himself could sink this ship." ("Titanic" Internet) Originally the plan called for 64 lifeboats but only 20 lifeboats were used. There were 14 wood lifeboats that could hold 65 people each. Two woodcutters that could hold 40 people each and four collapsible boats that could hold 40 people each. These lifeboats would only be able to hold about half of the passengers in an emergency. ( Internet) Knowing the lifeboats would only be able to hold about half of the passenger's, crewmembers still only filled some of the boats with less then 30 people. These boats were hal... ...e think that they should raise the Titanic so that they could explore it and study it. I think they should leave it where it is, out of respect at least. People lost their lives on this ship and deserve a place to spend their time. Not only will they disrespect the dead, but also by raising the ship, they will disrupt everything. Once the steel hits the oxygen, it will begin to corrode. After awhile, there will be no Titanic left at all and just so they could study it. " The Titanic surely should never be raised, it is a cemetery to all those who lost their lives that nite."(Ballard "Long" 708) WORKS CITED Ballard, Robert D. "How We Found Titanic." National Geographic (December 1985): 696-718. Ballard, Robert D. "A Long Last Look at Titanic." National Geographic (December 1989): 698-727. "R.M.S. Titanic†¦the story told." Internet. (4 Feb. 2001). "The Titanic Tragedy." Internet. (4 Feb. 2001).

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