Friday, October 18, 2019

What causes homelessness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

What causes homelessness - Essay Example 1995). The point is that the category of homelessness is rather huge, and there are many people, who may be considered as homeless. The more important thing is that classical homeless people have some, let’s say, classical reasons to live in such way. The reasons are the following: alcoholism, mental diseases, physical disabilities and simple laziness and life weakness (Shlay, Rossi, 1992). Recent sociological researches showed that such vision of homelessness is quite typical for almost all the people, and indeed these patterns of poverty are truthful in majority of cases, but still there are some essentially different situations when it turns out that people become homeless (Lee et al. 1990). For example, such exceptional cases may be bankruptcy, mortgage delinquency (which may be a result of job loss) etc. In general, there are a lot of huge economical problems that make people homeless. Actually, these problems are on the top of the list of reasons of homelessness. Also, we can’t forget about a huge group of mentally sick people unable to function in society in adequate way, so they go on streets trying to survive. Scientific researches showed that the level of mental diseases has grown with development of big cities. Psychologists think that the reason of such tendency is that people can’t stand rapid pace of globalization, so they begin mentally â€Å"breaking† or using drugs and alcohol (Mechanic, Field, 1987). The main point is that people start feeling their weakness and negligibility in this world; they feel lonely and unable of doing anything. Another economical reason of homelessness is increasing level of prices and especially the land ones and housing costs. There are many families that cannot afford buying an expensive house that would fit their families, or even cannot afford any housing at all (Freeman and Hall, 1987). The

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