Friday, September 13, 2019

A) Explain why many Basques in Spain feel they are not Spanairds and Essay

A) Explain why many Basques in Spain feel they are not Spanairds and b) discuss the socioeconomic organization of the French Basque Community of Santazai. Make reference to the readings - Essay Example By 1876, all the land belonging to Basques was divided between Spain and France. The Basque culture and language in the Spanish territories were prohibited during the time of General Francisco Franco. By 1950s, resistant groups had been formed, mostly the Basque Homeland and Liberty and the Euskadi Ta Askatasuna symbolized by (ETA). The ETA decided to commit terrorist attacks in 1970s and 1980s after the Spanish had ruled over the Basques were later liberalized when Franco died in 1975. Three Spanish Basques provinces were united together in 1980 as Basque autonomous Community (Cooper 65). The three provinces out of four were; Navarra, Vizcaya, and Guipuzcoa. The residents were given limited recognition of their language, culture, and autonomy and control over their police force and schools. The ETA were representing a small minority group, but they continued fighting for independence. There has been no comparable activity between Basques in Spain and French Basques who were subjected to the same repression. ETA has been provided with safe havens and material as sistance by sympathizers in the French side. Basque country consists of three regions on the French side and four regions in Spanish side. The regions on the Spanish side are; Navarra, Vizcaya, Alava, and Guipuzcoa (Cooper 46). The regions on the French side are; Soule, Labourd, and Basse-Navarre. The Basques renamed these regions collectively as Euskal-Herraia or Euskadi meaning land of the Basques. These regions were unified approximately a thousand years ago. The geographical area is varied, it contains foothills and ridges, mountain streams, narrow and steep valleys, and short coastal plains. The land of Basques is densely populated, with 3 million residents. Out of the 3 million inhabitants, 0.5 million are in France while 2.5 million are in Spain. Genetic information including blood types suggests that the Basques are ancient people

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