Thursday, September 26, 2019

Cultural Conduct in Other Countries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Cultural Conduct in Other Countries - Essay Example The question that rises over here is how important role does a language play in cross border businesses? To run your business successfully in another country it requires a proper understanding of the culture of that country. And to understand the culture of that country, it is required to know and learn the language of that country. Every culture has different parameters and guidelines of thought. And the best way to understand the thought behind these parameters and guidelines is the language (Malt et. al, 1999). Language not only provides knowledge about culture, it also provides knowledge about economic and political situations. Knowledge of other languages has become very essential because now million of people share their ideas, common interests and communicate with each other across the world through internet and going cross border for businesses and study. All these things are possible due to the technological advancements. Here we take the example of America; the trade is gro wing rapidly here. Some business people are learning Spanish and Portuguese for there businesses. And now adays people are getting knowledge of other languages for economic integrations. Many Canadians have ability to speak English and French. And they have adopted these languages for the improvement of their jobs and businesses. So the knowledge of other languages gives us a unique thought and this thought helps us to make concepts and decisions correctly. Social Etiquette: Etiquette is a code of behavior or social behavior within the society, social class or group. Rules of etiquette generally based on social interaction within the society. It may be reflection of ethical codes, fashion and status of society, group or class. When someone is interacting with large social group or variety of people which have same interest, so there are some general rules to interact with them and these rules are socially acceptable. Business etiquette is similar to the social etiquette, but they ar e particularly for coworker’s interaction and vary from business to business (Johnson, 1997). When a businessman expands his business in other countries, he has to understand the language, cultures, taboos and etiquettes because different nations have different cultures and etiquettes. For example, in China if a person takes food item from a common bowl or plate without asking others that mean you are insulting the host. On the other side in America a guest has to eat all food in his plate as a compliment to the quality of food. In Korea and Japan, it is an old tradition for host and guest to fill their alcohol cups and encourage each other to take it, but if anyone doesn’t want to take alcohol for any reason, then it can become difficult for him to escape from it. So for a prospective businessman it is very essential to understand the etiquettes of other country. Because etiquettes provide help to interact with society. Basically etiquettes depend upon the culture. It may vary from culture to culture. If business people have knowledge about other country’s culture, language and etiquettes then they can easily create a good impression. Cultural Values: Cultural values are the ethical or moral values; values that reflect someone’s sense of good and evil or right and wrong. Cultural values are the reflection of attitudes and behavior of society or group. Norms are the behavior of people in a specific situation, and values are the judgment of this situation as good and

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