Monday, September 2, 2019

urfews are popular

Youth curfews are popular. In poll after poll, Americans support laws that restrict teenagers' activities during certain hours of the day and night. Youth curfews are also logical. If youngsters are getting into trouble, it makes sense to get them off the streets. Yes because most crimes are usually committed at night.. teens can be used as an easier target for adult predators.. less people to witness things at night Why Curfews Are a Good Thing Kids certainly need their freedom, but how much freedom?Some parents today are so worried about being friends with their kids that they forget hese young folks need guidance and structure in order to survive on their own later in life. There is nothing wrong with setting a curfew for a teen under the age of 18. The overarching goal of a curfew is protection, both of the teens as well as the community itself. According to youthright. org curfews are very effective in protecting minors from hazards such as, â€Å"drunk drivers, drug dealers an d stalkers/rapists that scuffle around the streets at night. Obviously a curfew won't keep a teenager out of trouble during the day time, but that is not their purpose. Curfews for minors play a big role in keeping them out of situations that can lead to them getting into trouble. Teens should have curfews because teenagers get into more trouble without them. Research shows that 59% of teens get in trouble at night rather than during the day. That's more than half, teens will be better having a curfew and not getting in trouble at night. Not only so, but also most teens get into car accidents late at night.There is one chief danger on the road that curfews aim to protect teenagers from and that is drunk drivers. There are thousands of accidents every year involving drunk drivers. It is best that we keep our young and inexperienced drivers off the road during this dangerous time of night. Essentially, with a curfew they won't be out on the roads late at night and they will get into l ess car accidents. Curfews help keep both teens and adults safe. It can be unsafe having teens roaming around without an adult after certain hours.Curfews would keep kids off the streets late at night. If they are home, and not out on the streets, there isn't the temptation to do something risky that will et them into trouble. Also if teens are at home they are safe from the very dangerous threats of drug dealers, talkers, and rapists. This is a very real threat because the naive youth of today are often the targets of these criminals in todays society. Having a curfew in place would significantly cut down on the chances of this happening.Keeping our children safely asleep at home. With curfews in place, the lifespan for our teens would increase. Teens should have curfews because teenagers seem to get into more trouble without them. If they are with friends then they may be empted to do things that are not okay. In the nighttime, it is more likely for teens to go out and cause troub le, or make trouble for themselves. In a group of cities that took a poll, over half agree that a curfew is a good idea and that it is effective if it is followed.The curfew helps keep teens out of trouble because they cannot be out causing trouble for others or themselves. Without a curfew, there would be many more case of crimes involving teens. Keeping kids off the streets would cut down on crimes such as vandalism and destruction ot prope Even though curtews can be ard to enforce, it is important that police officers make sure they are followed. Ninety Percent out of a group of cities interviewed agreed that police officers should enforce curfews.If they do not, the curfew will not be followed and teens can be out at whatever time they want. Having teens out at night can sometime be a bad thing because of the dangers they are susceptible to and the trouble they can more easily get into during the night time. Keeping teens at home during the night can help stop any trouble that i s caused mostly during the night. Although it is sometimes hard for olice officers to make sure curfews are followed, it helps make their Job much easier. Without teens being out at night, not as much trouble is caused.Late night parties are not as much of a worry to police officers or parents of teens. These parties cannot start if teens have a curfew to follow. Ninety three percent of cites interviewed agreed that curfews help stop these kinds of parties from starting. In conclusion more than half of the crimes committed by teenagers take place at night, so curfews would also help cut down on the overall likelihood of teenagers committing crimes. Curfews would also protect others from the dangerous things that teen do at night.Most importantly curfews contribute greatly to keeping teens safe from criminals such as drunk drivers, rapists, and kidnappers. A curfew is, in my mind, the best way for a parent and teen to build trust. The more the teen fallows the curfew the later or mor e lenient the curfew will become. In a good relationship the curfew soon is done away with because the parents know and trust that their child will be safe and know when to come home and when it is the right time to leave said party or friends house.When it comes to rebellious acts and the lot if the parents start early with the curfew then it will become more habitual for the teen. The only really troubling aspect of this is the friends of the teen. If they have a later curfew the teen will be torn between their friends and their parents. The best way to stop this is to ask why the teen what some of their friends have for curfews and negotiate and later time. This makes the teen see the parents and curfew in a more positive light and the parents now know that their teen will be home for sure.

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